January 05, 2008

give JasMIn3 more *HUGS*

Get hugs of your own


but luckily i got to know a few frens in my OG.

we'll be separated on monday again & all

of us were so sad,& we started exchanging numbers

in the hall.

when our OG teacher saw it,she was like

"awww!so sweet(:"

anyway,i had a hard time choosing my subj

combination!i spent the whole of my thursday

afternoon thinking of what to choose.

since school started,i've been feeling very lethargic,

jus dun feel like doing anything.

my table is pretty messy now,but im just too lazy to

go tidy up a lil.maybe my biological clock is still at the

12am-10am timing.(HAHA!i know i sleep a lot)

thats about all.will blog sooooon again(:

December 30, 2007

give JasMIn3 more *HUGS*

Get hugs of your own

hello world,im blogging becus of this.
i was just flipping through
the Straits Times &

Rising cost of Living-sung to the tune of
Joy to the World.
Joy to the world,My pay has come!
Let me receive my due
Let every hand,Get bonuses
Then all the tills will ring
Then retailers will sing
And all in the family will want something

Joy to the world,the dollar reigns!
Let men stay in employ
While wheat and oil,feed,meat and grains
Go up in price oh boy,
Go up in price oh boy
Go up,Go up,in price,oh boy

Rise in ERP charges & taxi fares-sung to
the tune of Jingle bells.
Speeding on the road
In a brand new MPV
Over the fields we go
Paying ERP
See camera on the tree
Braking hard you try'
What fun it is to drive & cringe
A click and u're caught all right!

Oh,more gantries,more gantries
Better sit taxi
Oh,what fun it is to ride
In a comfy limousine
More gantries,more gantries
Pay till no money
Oh,what fun it is to ride
But the fare can make you die.

interesting huh?
there's two more actually,
but i think two is enuff to make your day!
tee hee.see!im so good!:D:D:D
today is 30 dec alrdy!
it felt like ystd was only 1jan2007
& tmr i'll bid farewell to 2007!
then when school starts,
very very very very soon,
i will take my results le!
ahhhhhhhhhhh!*shakes my head*

i'm anticipating for school to reopen!
yeah.then at least i do not have to stay at home.
but one thing that i dread the [MOST!]
is dragging myself to wake up at 630!