~ConTentmEnt iS a kEy 2 A hApPy lIfe~
~LiFe is A sErIes oF nEw bEgInnIngs~
=wOrk lYk u Dun nEed mOneY,luRve lYk u'Ve nVr bEen hUrT n dAnCe lYk n0 1 lOokIng=
[TaLent is n0t iNboRn bUt nEeDs 2 Be nuRtuRed]
this song is STUCKKK in my head now! i give mama-mia 6 out of 5 popcorns man. now i love abba songs alot. actually i think these songs got more.... 'substance'. just look at paramore. she's one crazy woman can!
yesyes.i finally bought my shoes. so now,bags how? -still thinking*