November 23, 2013

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Can i just drop everything now?

October 12, 2013

Rest when you need to

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1) There was evening and morning even before the sun and moon were created!

V.13 "And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day." (Genesis 1:13 NIV)

"God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day." (Genesis 1:16-19 NIV)

When the sun and moon were created, it was the fourth day! This means that the concept of "day" has already been in place before these two great stars were designed and put into orbit by God!

God has an internal, eternal clock! Night and day is not a product of sunrise and sunset! The concept of "day" has always been there!

God just used the sun and moon as a physical indicator of this concept called "day" which are actually bite-sized pieces of another concept called "time".

So yeah, this concept of "day", "week" and "month" has already been theorized before the sun and moon came into being.

I've read Genesis a gazillion times and I've never stumbled on this truth! This is probably because I was just reading, not studying the Word.

2) Why did God rest on the 7th day?

Was He exhausted? Did He go "Wow, this creating thing is so tiring!" and then crashed on the 7th day? Of course not! He could go on working for all eternity!

So WHY did God rest on the 7th day?

Here's why. God rested on the 7th day to teach Adam the concept of rest! Here's how...

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them...God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day. (Genesis 1:27, 31 NIV)

God created mankind on the 6th day. So when is mankind's first day? When Adam and Eve actually opened their eyes, get used to their skin and learnt how to use their limbs, it would've been the 7th day - the day God rested; Sabbath day.

Excited with their newfound existence, Adam and Eve would've probably asked "God what should we do today?"

And God would've probably replied "Nothing. All that needs to be done has been done. Just rest in my presence and fellowship with Me."

So the first day of the week for mankind was actually, SUNDAY! Your week begins with rest! It's where you find strength, hope, peace, patience, vision, purpose, love and get your systems totally refreshed before you face the rest of the week!

And then after the first day of your week, you face the second day of the week - Monday. That's when you start working and drawing from the "mana" pool or your battery that you've charged over your 1st day.

We all say our week starts on Monday. But in the order of creation, mankind's week starts on Sunday, the 7th day, the rest day, the Sabbath day.

Your week begins with rest in God where you are refilled with love, hope, peace, patience, vision, etc...

When you understand this natural concept, a supernatural increase and breakthrough will happen in your life!

So when God rested, it was to commemorate His perfect work, it was a way to show that He has finished what He intended to do.

Genesis 1:31 "God saw all that He had made and it was very good..."

For us, all we have to do is worship Him and commemorate all He has done and will be doing. Thus prayer and worship is a form of resting.

3) When men rest, God works. When men work, God rests.

Genesis 2:21 - 22 "So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man."

When we rest, God works!

Rest in God doesn't mean we don't work, but it means knowing when to stop work.

It means we do our best and knowing that our best is not enough and we rest and say "God, I've done what I can in the day, You do what I cannot in the night."

So don't overwork yourself. When you overwork yourself through the night, the night passes super slowly. But when you rest at night, it passes by very quickly.

Because night is God's domain! You need to rest and let God do what He must while you rest!

Nothing is in our control! We do what we must and can with all our heart and once we've exhausted our means, we humble ourselves and come before God and say "God I've done what I can, now You do what I cannot."

Ps How used the exact two words in my previous post: "back off". He also used the seed-planting analogy:

In our primary school days, we all plant our tao-gei in the cotton wool in our science experiment.

You get excited and you drown your bean in water and watch and observe it. BUT it doesn't grow!

Then you give up and go to sleep and the next day, there is progress! There is growth!

When you painstakingly fix your eyes on it and watch it, it doesn't grow. But when you rest and let nature take it course, it grows! Staring at it won't help it grow faster. It'll only tire you out and wear your patience thin!

God is the one who gives the increase!


If you plant nothing, you'll get nothing! God does not work with zeros! You plant a 0, you get 0. But if you plant at least something, say, '1', you'll get something!

You plant nothing - 0
0 multiplied by 1000 = 0
0 multiplied by infinity = 0

You plant something minimally - 1
1 multiplied by 1000 = 1000
1 multiplied by infinity = infinity
1 multiplied by God = God

Throughout the old testament, you'll see that it is the Lord who gives the increase. You can work and toil your whole life, but until God gives the increase, all your labour is vain.

Genesis 48:4 "I am going to make you fruitful and will increase your numbers.."

How Ps How got the place for Heart of God church in Singpost is also God's provision! He actually got a friend who recommended a real estate agent for Singpost. But that real estate agent got angry with Ps How's negotiation for a better price and stomped off.

What next? What could he do? But pray, wait and rest in God.

Next thing he knew, one of the board members introduced him to the vice-president of Singpost at an event and he got the rental space in Singpost without going through a real estate agent and paying extra fees!

What did Ps How and Ps Lia do? Nothing. They just waited and rest and trust in God and God in His sovereign and perfect timing brought the increase!

This is a concept I'm grappling with now. 4 years back when God told me to drop my ministry appointments one by one and to strip me of all the titles that defined my relationship with Him, He's been teaching me this one thing - rest.

Something very foreign to all the hurried, kan-chiong and achievement-crazy Singaporeans.

We strive so hard, fight so fierce and work ourselves weary only to hit a dead end...because we fail to realize that we are not in control of life - we can't control who we meet, how people respond and what can happen to us in life.

Same it is for me, I always try really hard to convince people, debating and trying to just get things done. But sometimes, until the time is right, nothing will move.

Colossians 1:17 "He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together."

It all hinges on God and His perfect and sovereign timing.

Yep, for me now, I gotta REST and back-off cos I've been working too hard in my strength.

It's hard when I'm such a workaholic, vision-minded, pragmatic and get-things-done-ASAP kinda person.

But I gotta slow down my pace, rest, die to myself - my self sufficiency and fall in love with my Saviour all over again.

"Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me."
John 12:24-26

Yeah, please pray for me. It's not an easy season. Many things God is using to test my convictions and many things and people who I deem dear to me He is stripping off my life so that I might not rely on people for joy, acceptance and love.

I know all these. But knowing and going through such things are worlds apart.

But I know at the end of all these, He will provide me friends that'll stride with me, love me and do great things for God alongside me.

So many things to say and write but I do not have enough time to distill and pen all my thoughts.

So this is it for now. I will press on, hold on and give my all until I see His face at the end of this race.

I hereby pledge my allegiance to You again Lord, I am Yours. Take me, break me, mould me and use me for all that You intended me to be.

I love You Jesus, always :)

September 19, 2013

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okay i admit that Im not really good at writing.
and so...............................
here's again, ripping off of a friend's page.

1. Friends
When I look back at the past phases of my life I realized that despite knowing a large number of people from primary school till now, the only people who stay with me at the end are only but that few who really matter. That’s such a demotivating factor for me to make an effort, to make friends. To be honest, when I look at all my SMU friends now I don’t know how many will still be around 5 or 10 years down the road. I can safely name maybe 2 or 3 friends, but the rest will only be a part of my university life, and that’s that.
Ever since this semester started I knew something was missing, and it was my unwillingness to let people into my life. There were times I felt lonely, and times when I felt like I am not significant in anyone’s lives because everyone has “someone better” or “someone closer”. When they need someone to study or lunch with, I’m prolly not the first person anyone would think of. At the end of the day, I comfort myself in knowing that even if I tried, making long-lasting friendships is not as simple as being the first to come to people’s minds when they need somebody.
I am still thankful for the friends that I have, but I am also learning to accept that I don’t have to always try so hard to fit in. Being in Samba for 2 years, I honestly still find myself unable to fit in, and many times I beat myself over it, like “maybe I should have gone to Coburg?” or “maybe I should have joined them for dinner more often?” But I figured that the best friendships never require us to try beyond our means.
2. Future
The future is uncertain, but not bleak. Today as I was chatting with Chels I realized how fearful of my future I would be if not for God. Life has soooo many uncertainties!! Too many I can’t handle on my own.
Even as I am thinking about the future and especially my career, first job, tuition fee loan and whatnot, I still feel very secured in knowing that Christ is my provider. I don’t even know what is my passion??? But I believe that God will lead me to the right place (: Amen.

August 22, 2013

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Another short post.

I guess I know why i may sound quite
preachy in my post.
let me use an analogy of a water bottle.
God's goodness and grace just keep flowing
into my bottle.
A bottle has a definite shape and volume.
Sooner or later, it will not be able to hold and
the content will just overflow.
because theres just so much a bottle can contain

mine is akin to a water bottle.
Theres just so much of God's grace and
goodness i can contain.
Becos God just keep giving and giving
and giving.
so I have no choice but to share with others.
somehow thought of this analogy
becos of the genting bus tragedy.

God bless the families of the unfortunate
Nobody would have wanted it and God
must have a reason for it.

August 14, 2013

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i will just do a short post.

just saw someone acting all preachy and sending
a private message to DJ 987FM Rosalyn Lee

I think the person meant no harm but
probably shoving religion down a person's
throat is not the way to doing it.

a reminder to myself as well that I
must set a limit and not IMPOSE
religion on people.
That being said, I wouldn't stop
posting of the GREAT and AWESOME
things my God have done for me.
cos im just sharing it riiiight.............................

God bless my new semester Lord!

July 12, 2013

Nothing in life to be happy about?

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Pardon me for ripping COMPLETELY of someone else's post.
blame it on the lazy streak in me.
time to pen down my own thoughts as well.
3 months of internship is going to come to an end soon.
Just waking up everyday for work is starting to bore me.
but what to do?
we need to earn a living.
However, how we want to make full use of our time
is our own business.
Since we all HAVE to work, why not use
the time to edify others?
For eg, I was just sharing trivial issues like my
school bidding woes with my work buddy
and how I committed to God for a smooth bidding process.
I just hope through my words and actions,
I become the salt of the earth and light of the world.

When I saw how others just living their lives aimlessly,
it saddens me that they are oblivious to ONE FACT.
the fact that there is a divine being up there who is
CONCERNED about them and LOVES them
wholeheartedly and who wants nothing but the BEST
for them.

Time flies and I will be starting my third year in SMU.
gotta start planning how I want to make full use
of the remaining years.

last night i was just thinking about friendships and stuff… and i wondered, (i quote myself) “how well do you truly know someone, even if there’s daily communication?”. i may or may not have talked about this before, but it’s so true. even with communication, how much you know about the other party is dependent on his (being generic here) willingness to share.
simply put, you may be communicating daily, but you won’t know about issues unless he chooses to open up and share. even if you talk 24/7, you only about 50% of who he truly is, if he chooses only to show 50%.
and then i had this ‘wow Jesus’ moment. you know when you come before the Lord, He is willing to show you who He truly is. He is willing to show all 100% of Himself, except our finite minds cannot fully take away all 100%. Jesus doesn’t play hard to get. come on, God gave us the Bible so that we can know ALL about Him! how different God is from Man!
i conclude that… as Man, we always have a defense wall up, knowingly or unknowingly. that’s because we are afraid of getting hurt. we are afraid that once others know our 100%, we become vulnerable. but it’s the OPPOSITE with Jesus. when He shows us His 100%, He is refreshed and strong! just like in the story where Jesus met the Samaritan woman by the well. He was thirsty and tired, but when He gave to the woman, His spirit was renewed!
just as Jesus is 100% with us, we can be 100% with Him. because the price has been paid, there is now therefore no condemnation. we can come as we are to Him (:
* pictures in the post have absolutely no link, except to serve the purpose of adding colors and cheer.

on a completely different note, i have grown to like the show Dating Agency Cyrano. in my previous post i mentioned i was completely not impressed with it, but once i got past episode 8, i realized there are many tiny details in the show that add up to the mystery of the entire story-line. not too bad a show, but nothing beats rooftop prince

July 03, 2013

Now I know.....

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Yes I know you read my blog.
This post is for you.
DISCLAIMER: this post is not written in anger.

Frankly speaking,
I was hurt when I suggested of standing around
her to celebrate and you thought becos I was
angry with her so I decided to any-old-how celebrate for her.
I didnt know this is what you thought of me.
I may have issues with her,but that doesnt mean I will not
do things with sincerity FOR her.
ultimately we are still all friends.

PEACE. out. ^^v

June 30, 2013

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a COMPLETE rip-off from a sister-in-christ's blog.

“If you live for the praise of people, you’ll die from their criticism as well.” -Carl Lentz

i love how Daddy speaks to me. when He’s trying to tell me something, He never stops at one try. there’s always two or more reminders. and topic of the day: i live not for the applause of Man.
too much personal details to go in depth, but today reminded me of how accepted and beloved i am in Christ.
“There is only one person you need to please, and He is already well pleased with you, for you, beloved, are HIDDEN in Christ. God sees the perfection of the finished work at the cross. The stain of sin you think you’re carrying has already been WIPED CLEAN. Not covered over, not coated over, hidden beneath the surface of a false fresh coat of paint, but COMPLETELY REMOVED. God does not remember your wrong-doings, don’t carry them on your conscience or keep that burden in your heart. The only one in eternity whose opinion matters, does not judge you. So judge not yourself, beloved. Nothing you can do, have done, or will ever do, will shock Daddy God into falling off His throne. He’s not surprised or even the least bit fazed by our antics and stubbornness, and He loves you in spite of and despite all your pai kuan (bad habits, idiosyncrasies).”
- extract and picture taken off fb cg wall.
the thing is this: naysayers can say and judge all they want. they can treat you how they think they should. but at the end of the day, only One Person’s opinion truly matters, and you know what? He will never ever shortchange me. what others do to me will not put a value on me, not unless i allow them to. as long as my eyes are kept on Christ my Solid Rock, i am safe. His nail-pierced hands tell me how accepted i am. and because i have been fully redeemed by the blood of Jesus, i do not have to live life pleasing others. the only One i am accountable to has already forgiven and accepted me.
i’m living life for the One who has already accepted me. not living FOR acceptance, but living from acceptance. that’s a powerful truth.

June 02, 2013

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what a traumatic and thankful month of may.
extracted two wisdom teeth.
just did the extraction for my left wisdom tooth
ystd and its still pretty swollen now.
in Jesus Name i pray that the swell will be gone
when i wake up tmr!
God heals.
getting pretty uncomfortable these past two days.

hopefully i will be well enough to go back to work
Thank God for understanding bosses and colleagues
at work.
Thank God for patient buddy to teach me at work.
cant really be more thankful enough.
weather was really hot today though :/

hmm,and Annie my cell member has just
given birth to a handsome baby boy.
totally taking after the father's look.
cant wait to visit him when im free.

so many amazing things happening in the month of
let june be a good month too, God!

April 15, 2013

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Alright. so you chose having better grades than
having dinner with your friends.
okay plus one more hour for travelling time.
come on!

im willing to give up that two hours of my time
becos you know why?
becos if i were to die the very next day,
the books that i spent time with,WONT rmbr me.
Instead,i would probably regret not having meals
with my friends.
distinctions can only bring you THAT ONE
temporal moment of satisfaction and happiness.
but friends bring you a lifetime.
Probably viven is right.
its about the heart.
even God looks at the heart of His people.

Yes i could totally understand the immense desire
of you to get good grades and make your family
but if it goes to the extent of not giving time to your
probably its time you ought to re-examine your priorities.
even after giving some thought to the issue,
you still dont feel the PINCH of regret of not
having spent time with your friends.

I am not your priority.

April 04, 2013

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alright. so today i have ended my last lesson for the semester
its time to get down cracking studying for exams.

anyway, thank u God for giving me understanding
group mates this semester.
everytime when i feel im at my lowest or just simply helpless,
YOU came in and lifted me UP.

though things dont always the way i wanted,
You helped me to gain an insight and allow
myself to grow in character during the process.

Lord,i entrust everything to you.

March 16, 2013

Obviously Adapted from a Brother-in-christ's Blog.
My angmoh not that powderful. HAHA!

He preached on the prodigal son from Luke 15:11-32.

Yes I've heard this story a gazillion times...BUT, he pointed out MANY pointers which I never ever realized about this story.

As he dissected and expounded on each verse, gave the context, background and history of each line, the story became more and more real to me. Here's the few things he pointed out:

1) In middle eastern culture, for a son to ask for his father's inheritance is as good as asking his father to die. Because only upon his death, then can the inheritance be passed on.

So, for the prodigal son to make this request is an act of utter shameful dishonour and he could face the CAPITAL PUNISHMENT of execution in that day's culture!

So the dad actually spared his son the first time for asking him such a heinous request!

As the Pharisees were listening to Jesus' story, they must be rolling their eyes back and probably enraged at the father's reaction!

2) The father ran to the son! Once again, in the middle eastern culture, noblemen like him would be wearing a HUGE ROBE.

And to nobleman in those days, NEVER RUN! They sort of "float" around with an air of pride and status!

So for the prodigal son's father to run to his son would mean...He'd have to TUCK HIS ROBE IN and run! THAT WOULD COMPLETELY HUMILIATE HIMSELF AS A NOBLEMAN!

That was how much a sacrifice he'd have made as he ran down the main street of the town to meet and hug his son! :')

Once again, to the Pharisees, they'd be totally angry because to them, the father would be playing the soft part of the fool!

To the Pharisees, there's no such thing as "grace". In their legalistic doctrine, all they had was rules, regulations and punishment!

3) How the story ended. The preacher then asked all of us "Did you know how this parable actually ended?"

He went on to tell us the true ending of the story "The older son and the fellow villagers were so outraged with the dad for continuously and relentlessly loving his son that they beat up the nobleman, the loving father TO DEATH"

My first reaction to that was "HUH?! Since when did the parable say that the villagers and his older son beat him to death? HERESY!" LOL!

But he expounded "That is the story of Jesus Christ. He came down to show relentless love and grace instead of exercising legalism. The Pharisees and leaders of that day couldn't stand Jesus' display of grace and love and they gave Him the capital punishment - Crucifixion"

At that moment, the weight of that truth dawned on me...My heart broke and tears began to flow down my un-moisturized face.

I got a vision of a Father who lovingly hugged his rebellious son as his neighbours hit him to death. WHY DID THEY KILL HIM?

Because He chose to love! He was killed for SIMPLY TRYING TO LOVE HIS SON!! To society, the son deserves death. But the dad didn't mete out that measure of punishment! For that, society got so fed up that they killed the dad!


I then realized, the grave injustice Jesus went through simply to love us! :') My heart was totally broken and the tears simply kept flowing.

The Spirit of God simply rested on me and reassured and reminded me that, that is how great His love is! His love is willing to go through such grave injustice to love a rebellious child like you and me!

That revelation totally shattered this strong heart of mine :') This is one of the chief reasons why I chose Christianity and not any other philosophy or religion.

NO OTHER RELIGION tells such a deep story of love! All other religions are like the Pharisees! They are teaching you how to live, they impose all their rules and regulations and punishments on you just like how the Pharisees did!

But Jesus came to show us the way to live - BY LOVE :') I don't know about you, but my heart is still really moved while typing this post :')

March 07, 2013

no more next time

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3 weeks ago during cny
i paid my Godmother a visit.
my sister suggested taking a photo with
our Godmother out of the blue.
3 weeks later, her daughter gave us a call and
told us that our Godmother is in a critical condition.
my mother,sister and i went down on the same day
to visit her.
That was the last we saw of her.

God,though i am not exactly close with her,
i am grieving along with the family.
I figured that i am probably sad because she's still
because every time we visited her,
i failed to pluck up the courage to share the gospel
with her.
is this what you call having Love for Your people?

moral of the story?
simple. no time to waste.

the following is adapted from SMU confessions
and is worth a space on my blog.
(oh wait! probably no one reads this blog)


i'm a SMU alum, graduated a year ago, and was at a career fair today speaking to many year 4s expecting to graduate this May. and it really saddens me to see how students are really sold to believe that a job in banking & finance is the prestigious job to be in. its amazing how much 4 years of SMU can do to you. i dont know how many of you actually really love the banking/finance side, or how many of you are just chasing it because its 'where the money is'. let me give you some perspective.

i have friends, who dread to go to bed every night because they know that the next morning they have to go to a job that does not motivate them, a job they get nothing out of. well, simply, a job. a job that pays bills.
i also have friends, who wake up in the morning and are happy to go to work. whether is it because of good colleagues or simply having passion for the work they do. and for these people, its work. its work that they put in effort to do, work they care about. work that feeds the soul.

i dont know which is more important to you now. maybe it really is the cold hard cash. if thats the case, so be it. carry on and do what you have set your eyes on. but if you're like the many SMU soon-to-be-graduates i spoke to today, then please be real with yourself, and think about whether what SMU seems to have deemed as 'second rate' jobs (e.g. marketing, hr, advertising, ops etc, and not law, accounting, finance, banking, consulting) are really jobs that people do only because they cannot get into a bank/some finance institution. in SMU, we judge, we believe only the smart ones with high GPAs get these jobs, we think that saying 'no la, i dont think a bank is for me' is actually a cover up for 'aiya actually the bank doesnt want me'. its sad and i think OCS needs to do something about it. because students are killing themselves trying to get into a bank, a financial institution. students major in finance even when they hate it and has got nothing to do what what makes them tick.

do what you love, and the money will follow.

thats the best piece of advice i can give you. so unless you know exactly what you want to do for the rest of your life, i say go experience different industries, different job junctions and see what fits you best. if you have that luxury to do it, take it and experience life for what its worth. dont take the beaten path, simply because its already beaten. be brave and experience what working life has to offer!

we all have choices to make, and i hope you make the right one for yourself.

wishing you all the best,
your SMU alum (who is currently still interning and finding herself)

February 14, 2013

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Is it weird to pray for companionship?

Time flies. I'm turning 23!

as quoted from a sister-in-christ blog
"so yeah, just wanted to encourage all those who are waiting, to stop viewing this waiting period as ‘when is my time coming?’, but rather to actively grow in the Lord and make the waiting a fruitful and enjoyable period. i’m sure you would love to know that your special one is spending this waiting period wisely, instead of just whining and throwing questions (lacking in faith) at God. God never ever makes you wait for nothing; it’s always for the better. (;"

happy valentines day everyone! ^^

January 21, 2013

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i feel that it is impt to chronicle the last weekend that i
went through.
on sat(19.1) i woke up to find myself having a high fever
and a nasty backache.
i need not elaborate further how the rest of my sat
went as you guys could have predicted.

the last weekend, my church was also having a
spiritual emphasis sessions where a pastor was invited to
preach intensively on how God has healed many ppl
through him.
i went for the friday session and the pastor prayed for me
i missed the sat session as i was feeling too sick.

On sunday,
i wasnt feeling too good either when i woke up.
so i thought to myself "sigh,cant go church again"
then my cell members buzzed me at about 11 to
ask me to go church and pray for healing.
they were willing to come my house and help
me over to church.
i agreed.
At the end of the service, my cell leader explained to
Ps Dennis(my district pastor) that i wasnt feeling well
and hoped that the guest pastor could do a prayer for me.
When Ps Dennis first prayed for me, i felt the OVERWHELMING
gush of God's anointing upon me.
i felt like i was on the verge of losing consciousness.
little did i knew,
that was the start of God's healing upon me.

i went home after i tabao-ed lunch,with my
cell leader escorting me home.
i slept a good 2 hours and when i woke up,
i felt rejuvenated, like i didnt fell sick previously?

God sometimes allow pain and suffering because "He loves
us just as we are, but loves us too much to let us remain
where we are", and we often dont listen to Him when He 
warns us of the danger, so He has to "stir up our nests"

All Glory to God.

January 18, 2013

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Get hugs of your own

before i head to SGH for my follow up appt,
i would like to pen down a few thoughts.

okay,u can call me nuts.
but somehow,oddly, i love to visit the hospital.
reason being?
visiting the hospital gives me a timely reminder
be thankful that i can move.
be thankful that i can see.
be thankful that i'm not in tremendous pain,often
be thankful that i'm not drown in hefty
medical bills(wells,NOT that my appt are free mind you!)
be thankful that....................................

ha too many to list,actually.

ciaoz. God, bless me with a good medical report!AMEN.