~ConTentmEnt iS a kEy 2 A hApPy lIfe~ ~LiFe is A sErIes oF nEw bEgInnIngs~ =wOrk lYk u Dun nEed mOneY,luRve lYk u'Ve nVr bEen hUrT n dAnCe lYk n0 1 lOokIng= [TaLent is n0t iNboRn bUt nEeDs 2 Be nuRtuRed]
December 07, 2004
give JasMIn3 more *HUGS*
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1. when a gurl says shes sad, bus she isntcryinn, it means shes cryin in her heart.
2. when she ignores yu aftaa yuve done sumtiinkwrong, its best tuu giv her sum tymm tu cooldown bforr touchinn her heart wiv an apology.
3. a gurrl cant find anitiink tu sae bout da guyshe loves (which ish why its sho hard forher tu ged ovaa him aftaa da relationshipsovaa. )
4. if a gurrl loves a guyy, he wiiu alwaes be onher mind every minute of da dae, even thoshe flirts wiiv odaa guys. [diaoo^ -.-]
5. wen daa guy she liks smiles n stares deepintuu her eyes, she wiiu melt.
6. a gurrl liks tu hear compliments, budusually not sure how tu react tu em.
7. wen a particular guy flirts wiv a gurl vehoften, a gurrl wuld starrt tinkinn da guy likesher. shho, if yu treat a gurl jush as a frenn, goeasy on daa smiles n stares okay?
8. if yu dunt like a gurl whuu likes yu, breaak ittu her gently.
9. if a gurl starts avoidinn yu aftaa yu reject her,leave her alone furr awhile. if yu stiiu treat her asa fren, tokk tu herr.
10. gurls enjoyy tokin bout wad dey feel.music, poetry, drawings n writings r waaes ofxpressinn themselves ( whichh explains whymosh gurls lyk writin journals. )
11. nvr tell a gurl dat shes useless in anyway.
12. beinn tuu serious can turn a gurl off.
13. wen daa guyy she lyks calls herr furr daafursh tymm, da gurrll may act uninteresteddurinn da call. bud as soon as daa fone ishhbaac on daa hook, she wiiu whooop wiiv joyy nimmediatelyy starrt telefoninn her frenns tu spreaddaa newws.
14. a smile means alot tuu a gurl.
15. if yu lykk a gurl, try makin frenns wiiv herfursh. let her ged tu kno yu.
16. if a gurl saes she cant go out wiv yubcosh she has tu study, leave.
17. bud if she stiiu calls yu or xpect a call from yu,stay.
18. dun try tu guess a gurls feelins. ask her.
19. hearin da words I love yu ishh a greatreassurance tuu a gurll dhhat shhe ishh beautifoo.
20. aftaa a gurrl falls in love wiv a guyy, she wiiuwonderr why she nvr noticedd him bforr.
21. if yu nid tips on how tu flirt wiv a gurl, readromance storyys.
22. wen klas pix come out, a gurl wuldd furshcheck whose standinn next tuu her crush bforractualle lukinn ad herself.
23. a gurls ex-crush wiiu alwaes be in hermemory, bud da guy she loves now staesin her heart.
24. gurls love hafinn fun!
25. a simple hi can brighten a gurls dae.
26. a gurls besh frenns usualle kno beshwad shes feelinn n goiinn thru.
27. gurls hate it wen a guyy pays attention tuuem jush tu gedd klose tu their prettierfrenn.
28. love means devotion, carin n happiness tuua gurl, in dat order.
29. sum gurls care bout looks, sum care boutbrains, bud ALL gurls wan a guy hu wiiulove n care for em.
30. gurls wan nth more den tu feel LOVED.
hahas.get tis from sindy girl..copy and paste de...
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